... And Bootlegs For All

Megadeth - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2001

 Venue: Club M: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
 Date: October 26, 2001
 Time: 56:15/40:30
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD, B/B+, copy from master tape
 Notes: Taper: Marty S.
Upgrade! I received a new/better version from Marty. Here's what he says: "This turned out really well with the right EQ. Eliminated tape hiss
The recording still needs a bit of bass boost, and the slight distortion is still here but the recording indeed sounds better. Some track transitions have minigaps/clicks. I also have Iced Earth set, but it's not upgraded. Thanxx Marty!

 Disc 1: 1. Intro (Shut Up! Be Happy!)
2. Dread And The Fugitive Mind
3. Kill The King
4. Wake Up Dead
5. In My Darkest Hour
6. She Wolf
7. Hanger 18
8. Return To Hanger
9. 1000 Times Good Bye
10. Hook In Mouth
11. A Tout Le Monde
12. Tornado Of Souls
 Disc 2: 1. Ashes In Your Mouth
2. Sweating Bullets
3. Trust
4. Symphony Of Destruction
5. Peace Sells/Paranoid/Peace Sells P.II
6. Holy Wars/Silent Scorn Outro