... And Bootlegs For All

Megadeth - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1999

 Venue: Metropole: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
 Date: November 27, 1999
 Time: 54:34/28:50
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: B, AUD, copy from master tape
 Notes: Taper: Marty S.
Upgrade! I received a new/better version from Marty. Here's what he says: "I tried my best on this one. It was really loud in the club and I was too close... The sound gets better after a the first few songs. EQ Better and slowed it down a little bit cause the tape was a little fast.
The recording still suffers from quite some distortion but it IS better than it was. Some track transitions have minigaps/clicks. The very beginning of Symphony is cut". Thanxx Marty!

 Disc 1: 1. Prince of Darkness
2. Holy Wars
3. In My Darkest Hour
4. Hanger 18
5. Breadline
6. She-Wolf
7. A Tout le Monde
8. Almost Honest
9. Use The Man
10. Crush'Em
 Disc 2: 1. Trust
2. Dave's Speech/Sweating Bullets
3. Symphony of Destruction (cut)
4. Peace Sells
5. Paranoid
6. Anarchy in Pittsburgh