... And Bootlegs For All

Moonspell - Live in Atlanta, GA, USA, 2004

 Venue: Masquerade: Atlanta, GA, USA
 Date: February 13, 2004
 Time: 46:06
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: DAT, B+, copy from master
 Notes: Recorded by Jerry B.
Source:Sony DATman D-7 & Realistic 33-1065 Stereo Electret Microphone.
Moonspell together with Devildriver opened for Opeth that night. Great show, enormous thanxx to Jerry for the recording!!

 Disc 1: 1. Intro/In And Above Men/From Lowering Skies
2. Alma Mater
3. Vampiria
4. The Southern Deathstyle
5. Everything Invaded
6. Mephisto
7. Full Moon Madness