Lineage: tdk > ION Tape2pc / USB / PC >/ audacity (44100 hz 16 bit, track splitting and normalize)/ TLH Flac. This recording was shared in Fall 2010 by wally, a great Italian trader/taper who decided to share his tape recordings collection. It looks like the taper of the show is Nigel P. But it might be a different source. Really nice recording considering its age. I've deleted hiss, boosted left channel. The only slight drawback is a noise that can be heard during the "silent" parts when Nick's talking. Anyways, the band is on tour with Autopsy and Benediction. Nick is humorous as always. Nick tells the crowd that they would have Obituary "next week" and that's a "very good band". Before "Our Saviour" Nick tells that there's a guy in the crowd looking exactly "like Dave Mustaine".
Disc 1:
1. Intro / Deadly Inner Sense
2. Frozen Illusion
3. Breeding Fear
4. Paradise Lost
5. The Painless
6. Dead Emotion
7. Our Saviour
8. Internal Torment II